Mission Services
This is how we can serve you:
Work Adjustment Training (WAT):
Training provides real work opportunities to help individuals thrive to improve work skills, work behaviors, emotional and physical tolerances necessary for various jobs. Let us train you to be the best. (by referral)
This program is free to eligible youth ages 16-24, who are not currently attending school (high school students may attend during the summer break). The program includes six weeks of paid work training through our Work Adjustment Training program (WAT) (Mon – Fri; 9a – 2:30p).
Goodwill Industries of East Texas & Chick-fil-A at Broadway Square Mall, Tyler, TX, and Lindale, TX, have partnered to make a difference in Youth and Young Adults’ lives (16-19 yrs. old). 6-week paid training provided by Goodwill:
3-weeks training onsite at Goodwill and 3-weeks training onsite at Chick-fil-a
Could you be the right fit?
Re-Entry/Veteran Program:
Looking for a new beginning through our second chance job skills program? This program offers employment and training services that help former offenders find jobs and become productive community members.
Veterans, we are here to help in any way we can to fulfill needs.
Pre-Vocational Training Program:
This program was designed to prepare individuals with severe and/or multiple disabilities for employment and training services that help former offenders find jobs and become productive community members.
Vocational Evaluations / Work Assessments:
This assessment examines an individual’s work and training background and discovers the best you. These assessments are also helpful in working with dislocated/displaced workers to determine their new capability within the workplace due to life changes. (fee).
Personal Social Adjustment Training (PSAT) allows people to address identified barriers to employment through individual or group training. This training is designed to identify social work behaviors that may impair the likelihood of success in gaining and/or retaining competitive employment. PSAT classes enhance and develop these crucial skills in order to be a competitive candidate in the job market.
GoodTemps Services: Putting Our Dollars Back into Our Mission
Ever thought of working with a temp?
Our Temporary Services allows individuals to be placed within various businesses, state jobs, and positions within Goodwill. This is a great opportunity to work for companies in East Texas. Creating an opportunity for companies to see your great work ethic creates greater chances of companies taking you from a temporary to a permanent position. (If applicable).
Are you an employer needing to fill a position?
Making a Difference: Business Connection – GoodTemps is here to fulfill your business needs if you are ready for Our Expertise to fill your Job openings with staff. Contact us for your business needs: Contact Us – GoodTemps
Adult Education (GED Prep):
Are you ready to G R O W, within your educational journey by obtaining your GED? Let Goodwill assist with the first step: referral to the Literacy Council of Tyler.
It’s all-in-a-day training!
Job Placement is here to assist in obtaining and retaining competitive employment. Learn how to identify employment goals, properly complete an application, create a resume, prepare for an interview, utilize job search methods, and maintain employment. (offered through our programs or by referrals)
Job Coaching is in place to help employees who may be struggling with understanding their job duties or need extra training for job security. We are also here to assist any company needing more one-on-one training with your employees to increase productivity and excellence. (referral only)
Supported Employment This intensive work readiness/placement program prepares individuals for competitive employment. These are ongoing supports, and the individual is followed a little closer to ensure job security. (referral only)
CPA – The Career Planning Assessment identifies the participant’s support system and evaluates work skills. This information is then used to assist the participant in planning for the future by identifying if further training is needed before being placed in competitive employment. (referral only)
Job Readiness Classes are for those trying to improve on needed skills to land a job maintain a job (offered through our programs or by referrals)
Contact Us
(903) 581-5422
Contact Us – Mission Services